Friday, February 5, 2010

The Myth of the grown up Mean Girl

Our world conspires to make us believe that women do not support each other.  The myth begins in reality.  The worlds of middle and high schools are filled with "queen bees" and "mean girls" and the "misfits" who are deemed targets.  We are led to believe that this behavior continues into adulthood.  We are led to believe that women are more interested in tearing each other down and criticizing each others' fashion choices.  I want to tell you all that if you believe that is the way the world operates, it might be time to find a new group of women.

I am currently attending Blissdom 2010, a blogging conference.  I am new to the blogging world and was very nervous about attending my first conference.  I am just figuring out what to focus on in this blog.  I haven't written regularly in years and my writing shows that.  I don't know the language these women speak.  What I have found here surprised me.  I have found interpreters.  I have found women ready to share the wealth of knowledge they possess.  I have found women encouraging each other to tell their stories.  I have found women who want to see other women succeed.  I have found women forging communities in new ways.  It is educational, challenging, and incredibly encouraging.

I was afraid of not being accepted here.  A large group of women is intimidating.  However, instead of harsh critics I have discovered a nurturing community of women.  They are here to learn and to encourage everyone to develop and refine their unique voice.  I am excited to add my voice to theirs; tshirt, jeans, and all!


Elizabeth King Humphrey said...

I'm so glad you had a good, supportive time. I'm sorry I missed meeting you at BlissDom, but look forward to seeing you back in Wilmington.


Anonymous said...


We met at Blissdom. Just wanted to peek at your blog. Very nice, love the clean design.

I hope you wonderful time at Blissdom and none of your fears were realized.

Conferences can be overwhelming especially if you attend alone. We all feel can a little left out. Its not the attendees but more the hectic schedule.